If you have created a special connection with a woman and you wish to learn how to make her fall in love with you, there are some things you should not do. These things can turn a woman off and actually make it so that she does NOT want to be with you.
If you do one of these things, you will arouse suspicion and doubts in her mind. This means she could possibly keep her distance and does not want to have anything to do with you.

Fall in Love
- MONITORING HERvant suiting!We all know that women think about relationships and men just do not seem to get the idea.You need to remember that she has her options open. If she chooses to be with you, it will hurt less than if you make her to be your assistant or go to your office all the time. So, be careful. If you have chosen a date and she is not serious about it, you can break it up. Ask her to another place or spend the evening with someone. I tell you, break it up, she will love you for it. She will feel rejected and you are in control.
2.chromosomesIf you are serious about a woman, put your masculinity to work. If you are dating her because she is gorgeous, let her know that the sexiest man in the world is YOU. Make her feel the same way every day. Make her feel strong, sexy and special. Chances are, you are going to have to share your passions with her, giving her a room to excel. If you love coaching little league, make a habit of leaving a pile of balls in front of her and playfully toss them. Every day she is going to feel in control and you are in control!
3.Keep your Girlfriend BusyIf you have agreed to spend time with her, you must keep her busy. No time for you? Well the trick is, give her the space to do her stuff. There is a saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder. If you are gone all the time, she will have plenty of time to do her thing.
4.Laugh togetherIf you are going to be together, you want to constantly have each other’s laughing. This will create a positive atmosphere and the atmosphere will be more light. By laughing together, you show her you can have fun together! Everyone wants to be around someone who is fun and playful.
5.Do not Neglect herA mistake we men always make is to forget that the woman needs all the attention and care.A woman needs clean laundry, a decent car and a good home keep. Make a datebook together and exchange notes on things that are important to her. Each day she needs to know what you will be doing, where you will be going and why you are going there. It is like your pets. You have your cats and dogs, but she has the small animals (pooch, pickles, etc.). Mix the two and you will have a well-balanced life!
FIVE: Support her
This is probably one of the most important feminine qualities. If you are going to commit to a woman, you should be there for her. If things are not going to work out, be there to pick her up. If someone drops a ball or a bat, pick it up for her. It does not have to be an extravagant gesture, just something inexpensive and sweet. For example, if she drops a baseball for the little guy at the park, pick it up for her. Be a Good Samaritan. All this does is say you are willing to help out if she is in trouble. She will absolutely love you for it!
If you follow these five tips, you are sure to be a Good Samaritan and she will be impressed with you for being involved and compassionate. Women respond to affection, kindness and warmth. Use these 5 basic ideas to ensure that the woman in your life feels loved; you will be a gentleman and win her heart.
Okay gentlemen, that is all the tips you need to know to make a woman fall in love with you. Woman are obviously special and we all want to be a match for her. Get started on showing her the warm and affectionate side of you. Good Luck!