So you’re a woman in a relationship and you want some affection. You really want him to kiss you and touch you and pull you in really close…nice please! But you also want him to be romantic and affectionate in the same way, but in a very different pattern. fans of the serial mind reader books will know that the common patterns that women use to describe what men want have been around for centuries. Quite a long time ago, I was a woman who loved to control her man and tell him what to do. I also used to believe that he loved me and wanted what was best for me in the relationship. Over the years, I have learnt that there are some behaviours that men would like more than anything from a woman. Some women casually mention these to their friends, hoping that the man will ‘coincidently’ mention it to them. Sadly, these patterns do not always translate into a happy relationship.

Keep Man sexually satisfied

If you really want to make him adore you, you will have to use the knowledge of what really makes him tick. Here is a short list of things to bear in mind if you want to understand what you can do to make him adore you. Always keep the fire of desire burning-it is very easy to lose the fire once you have them, so you need to continually develop the feelings and emotions that you have for him. You do this by demonstrating all the things that drive him wild. Do this by overtaking him when he is just playing with his toys or by (‘yet again’) suggesting you keep the relationship or getting the kids.

Keep him sexually satisfied-it’s more than just satisfying his needs – it’s keeping his interest and desiring in you. If you don’t satisfy him in this area, he will find you very uninteresting and indeed, boring. He will look elsewhere for excitement. Remember not to lose yourself in the relationship-even if you are a man’s girlfriend or wife, it is very vital that you don’t lose your identity. Do not freeze him out when he wants to have a night out with the guys. Make him feel free to make friends with other women whilst you tidying up together. Once he sees that you are quite comfortable with him hanging around with the guys, he will understand that you really care for him. Try to cultivate an identity which is your own instead of relying on him for your identity.

Take him out regularly

Take him out regularly, to places which interest both of you. You do not have to go and watch football matches either. Just find out what he would like to do and make it happen. You need to understand what men are thinking- If you know that he has always liked newspapers, bring him one regularly. If he likes movies why not arrange a couple of trips out to the cinema. And most importantly, don’t judge him by his actions, mistake actions for thoughts. Many men, act with boldness to hide what they actually feel inside. And they may or may not act out their thoughts.

You know when you feel a man isn’t paying enough attention to you, try paying more attention to him. Always make sure you share everything that is important to you. Share your goals and dreams with him so he can actually get an idea of how important you are. Do not press for something- one of the biggest mistakes women make is to press for something. You would feel that you have won if he runs back to you and asks you to meet him immediately. Doing this often triggers a negative response, in this case, he is only making you feel that he isn’t thinking of you. Therefore, try not to press for things, instead allow things to happen along the way.

Stay mysterious- a man would always chase after a woman he feels is challenging to get. Therefore, very often women make themselves too accessible to keep his interest. Keep him chasing and he will love you for that. Do not act  desperate- Do not always be needy and clingy; never ask him for help and to make decisions for him. Learn to make decision by yourself and act as if there is no one else but you. Never let him feel your insecurity- Never point out to him, when he makes a mistake, that you are not trusting him. When he feels that you cannot depend on him, he will try to change you, and change you into someone he likes.